Whitepaper "System(at)ically agile" published

My fascinating research project "System(at)ically agile - how to integrate agile processes into management systems based on ISO 9001:2015" is now finished. The whitepaper (so far in German only) summarising my findings is now published and available here https://serwiss.bib.hs-hannover.de/frontdoor/index/index/docId/1268 for download free of charge. The document is published under creative commons license 4.0 international (CC BY-ND 4.0). So please feel free to send the link to other interested parties. My project partner, the German organisation for Quality DGQ, will publish this whitepaper with the upcoming newsletter to all members, and we hope that it will pep up the discussion about agility. The whitepaper is the first issue of my new "management" series. Publications of the “Management” series deal with the strategic and operational development of management systems, their business processes and human resources. The focus is on agile management tools and an international orientation. It is available online here: https://serwiss.bib.hs-hannover.de/solrsearch/index/search/searchtype/series/id/11